What Is Change?
Change is anything that breaks the status quo. It is a difference in getting things done commonly. It involves the big shift to a supportable future
Reasons For Change:
According to a PhD dissertation writing service, basically, there are two kinds of factors responsible for bringing change in any system. These are internal factors and external factors. Internal factors involve mission, performance, policies etc. external factors include economical, technological and political factors.
Is Change Auspicious?
Status quo is the biggest hindrance towards innovation. Devoid of change things become festering and die. Change means learning; learning keeps you growing and growth keeps you alive. It brings more opportunities.
Changes in Education System:
Before the introduction of eBooks, students have to carry hulking bags containing lots of books. With the advancement in technology, these books are replaced by eBooks. Now you just need one laptop or phone or a tablet which can carry hundreds of thousands of books for all subjects. EBook technology has reduced the cost. Now you have free access to the majority of the books and in some cases paid access for some special books. Before this, you have to buy the books, and for expensive books, you need to search for pirated copies or second-hand books from old book shops. With the emergence of eBook, a new business opportunity of online book store also originated.
Before the technological revolution, education sources were limited to classrooms only. Now modern technology has introduced new concepts and opportunities for learning like virtual classrooms (Edmodo, Animoto), distant learning and interactive sessions. Now you can get learning opportunity from any teacher around the world. Students are getting an online degree facility from world-renowned universities without even travelling to other countries or leaving their jobs. There are many web portals that allow students and teachers to interact with each other for sharing and increasing knowledge. Virtual learning has mostly benefited those who are unable to continue studies due to tough job routine. Now through online classes and online degree programs, the can easily adjust their timetable according to their feasibility and availability. Simulation learning is enabling students to get more practical knowledge instead of just having bookish knowledge.
Previously, tests were conducted in class only and later checked and graded by the teacher. But with the involvement of technology there evolved the facility of an online assessment. There are many tools like, ProProfs, online quiz creator, Classmarker, Top grade, quiz maker and many other tools which help to conduct online quizzes and grades which automatically access and grade the test. Earlier students were used to write assignments and quizzes, now they can do it on their smartphones or simply get it done by online helpers.
Due to advancement in technology not only teaching methods are changed but new learning courses and degrees have also been introduced. For example, artificial intelligence, networking management, robotics, business intelligence etc., are new degrees announced for specialization. The new modern world is now demanding skill-based education. This requires to study beyond the textbooks and assessments are made on the basis of knowledge application instead of retention. This is also eradicating rot learning and giving more value to conceptual learning and understanding.
Technology has extended entree to education. It is a very powerful tool that can help to improve education and learning. It is making it easier for teachers to adopt new and helping tools and techniques for students to learn. It is enabling students to get access to education from one corner of the world to another corner of the world. We can expect more individualized instructions in future, with more project-based learning. If these opportunities are used in a useful and wise manner we can get an effective and efficient education system for everyone. To comply with these technological revolutions, there is a major need to revising the curriculum and making it more smart and dynamic.
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