How Microsoft Cortana is Useful for Educational Research

Microsoft Cortana for Education
Cortana is a virtual assistant that is created for the Microsoft Windows 10 and Microsoft Windows 8.1. It is available in different languages like English, French and Spanish etc. The development of the Cortana was started in 2009. The vision, mission and plan of the Cortana were established by the Zig Serafin and Larry Heck. With the help of Cortana, it is possible for us to see different places before visiting them. For example, if you want to visit a restaurant, it will provide you with an idea about the reservation of this restaurant. Microsoft Cortana is also helpful for the students in the educational research in the following ways;

Set Reminders For Time:
There is a powerful built-in feature in the Cortana. Therefore, by using the Cortana, it is easy for you to get a reminder at a specific time. In order to conduct educational research, the students have to manage their time. They can easily manage their time by using Cortana. They just need to prepare a plan and to set timelines to conduct the research and they should also try to set reminders for time on the Cortana. This will remind you of the time and you can feel it easy to perform specific research tasks before the deadline.

Use Natural Language Research:
While conducting educational research when working with dissertation writing services, the students have to find some files. Cortana is an amazing source for the students to find these files by using natural language research. For example, if you want to find out current research papers and files relevant to your topic ideas, you can easily find these research papers and files just by typing ‘Find documents for research’ or ‘Find documents about Physics’. Along with built-in search features, it is also using the old search operators which also make it easy for the students to find any document by using the plain language or natural language.

Get The Results Of The Questions By Using The Bing Search Engine:
In order to conduct educational research, it is necessary for the students to cover the research topic from all the angles. For this reason, the students have to prepare a list of the research questions. Cortana is also helpful for the students to get possible answers to these research questions. Students just need to type their research questions and Cortana will provide them with the possible answers to these research questions by using the Bing search engine. For this reason, Cortana will act just like the Google Knowledge Graph.

It Can Recognize The Natural Voice:
Sometimes, there is a possibility that the students don’t have enough time to type keywords in order to find possible answers to the research questions. Under such situation, Cortana is also helpful to you because it can recognize the natural voice. You just need to speak the keywords that you want to answer and Cortana will provide the possible answers to your research questions.

You Can Perform Calculations And Conversions:
Cortana can also perform quick calculations and conversions. There are two possible ways to perform these calculations and conversions. First of all, you can type these calculations in the search box of Cortana. Secondly, you can speak these lengthy conversions and calculations. For example, if you want to get the answer to the calculation like ‘1256534’ * ‘6638648’, the Cortana will provide you answer to these questions within no time. In a similar way, if you want to convert UK dollars into Australian dollars or any other currency, it will also make these conversions quickly. You can also convert different kinds of units by using Cortana.

Create Calendar Events:
With the help of Cortana, it is also possible for us to set some events like if you want to start the educational research process on Saturday, you can set the event on the calendar. Along with the date and day, you can also fill some necessary information. At the required date and time, the Cortana will ask you to start the meeting. In a similar way, you can also add the plans of different days by using this facility of the Cortana.

Cortana is a virtual assistant that you can use on Microsoft Windows 10 and Microsoft Windows 8.1. Cortana is helpful to you in various ways like you can use it while conducting educational research. You can use Cortana for the educational research in the various ways like you can set reminders for time, you can conduct natural language research, you can find facts with the help of Bing search engine, you can perform calculations and conversions and you can set calendar events.

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